学生参议院 Leaders Set New Goals for the Upcoming School Year


The college’s 学生参议院 works hard to promote new ideas, 组织活动和活动, advocate for student needs and increase engagement, 以及即将上任的领导人阿夫塔卜, 卢卡斯唐纳胡说, 肖恩·桑普勒和扎伊德·谢扎德, have ambitious plans for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.

One of the Senate leaders’ first priorities is to expand awareness of campus resources, 事件和活动. They hope to promote the college’s many helpful resources, such as the Center for Academic Engagement, which provides academic coaching; the Center for Access and Assistive Technology, which assists qualified students with disabilities; and the Learning Assistance Center, which offers group or one-on-one tutoring. Taking advantage of these and all other academic support centers can be tremendously helpful and beneficial for students, 他们说.

The Senate leaders emphasized that students have many opportunities to participate in clubs and events on campus as well. In an effort to promote those opportunities and keep the campus community updated, they plan to talk one-on-one with students and faculty, collaborate on outreach with The Hudsonian and be more active on the college’s social media pages.

They also expressed plans to host more community and sporting events, and allow students to choose or suggest other activities by holding a voting process.

“学生s may not realize that they pay an activities fee each year. 我们希望他们利用它, so it’s our job to offer events that everyone will want to participate in,阿米拉解释道。. They also plan to reach online students by inviting them to campus for these opportunities and offering more fully-online activities, 比如琐事.

All of the Senate leaders make it clear that, 还有其他的计划, they have a universal goal of representing and advocating for their peers. “We hope to be a voice for all students of the campus community,” 卢卡斯 expressed. “Any decision we make is on behalf of the students. We want to continue the work we’ve been doing and continue to help as much as we can.”

Ameera, 卢卡斯, Sean and Zaid are excited for the upcoming semester to begin and look forward to serving Hudson Valley on behalf of the students. Learn more about the 学生参议院 leadership below.


Ameera阿夫塔, 学生会主席, is a Liberal Arts and Sciences: Communications (Media) student with plans to 研究生 in May. Her hard work led her to be elected as student trustee on the college’s 校董会 for this academic year, and she is also completing an internship at a local marketing firm. As for 学生参议院, Ameera was eager to run for a lead role.

“I am very passionate about student government and advocacy,” she said. “I love advocating for students and all higher education, and I think student input is so important.”


卢卡斯唐纳胡说, 学生会司库, is a senior majoring in Liberal Arts and Sciences with a concentration in economics, minor in sustainability and interest in investing. As someone who admittedly looks for any opportunity to have an impact, 卢卡斯 was especially motivated to run for 学生参议院.

“How can we make small steps every day to help students on campus?他问. 通过他的奉献, 卢卡斯 hopes to have a positive influence on the 学生参议院’s objectives and achieve his own personal goals to 研究生 and find a good career.


Business 政府 student, 肖恩取样器, is vice president of the 学生参议院. Outside of school, he loves to play guitar, tennis and video games. 作为一个目标导向的领导者, Sean hopes to see success through his own academics and in the efforts of the 学生参议院.

“I didn’t expect to be doing this,” Sean said. “Hudson Valley just has so many opportunities, helpful resources and personal connections which have empowered me to become a part of the 学生参议院.” It’s all about “doing for others what they have done for you” and “making a difference wherever you go,他解释道.


扎Shehzad, 学生参议院 secretary, is a Computer Information Systems student. His positive enthusiasm influenced him to participate in a local soup kitchen project and run student clubs, including the Muslim 学生 Association (MSA). 展望新学年, 他希望取得好成绩, 研究生, and find ways to be more involved in the community.

Through the Senate’s initiatives, Zaid hopes to continue to make the campus a better place. “我觉得这会很有趣,” he said when discussing his inspiration to run for 学生参议院.


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